as. dr. ANDREJA KULIŠ, DDM, PhD - Dental prosthetics specialist
Dr. Andreja Kuliš completed her postgraduate studies in Freiburg (Germany) with the world known professor of dental prosthetics Prof. dr. dr. Strub. In 2008 she completed her PhD degree in Germany ( and specialized in dental prosthetics. Her study cases have been selected as a teaching guide for future specialists ( At the same time, the BioMedExperts scientific web ranked her PhD article among the top three professional articles on its web at that time.
In addition to her work at the Kuliš Center for Dental Medicine, she is also an external expert in the field of dental education at The Faculty of Medicine at the University of Ljubljana, Department of Fixed Prosthetics. She also participates in two online dental portals: MedOverNet and Vizita, where she provides advice to patients who need help.
Her specialty is aesthetic dental prosthetics, aesthetic dentistry and oral surgery (implantology and aesthetic mucogingival surgery).
KULIŠ A., KULIŠ RADER K., KOPAČ I., (2024): Minimally invasive prosthodontics using the concept of prosthetically guided orthodontics. J Esthet Restor Dent. 2024; 1-11. doi:10.1111/jerd.13266
KULIŠ A., (2019): Certifikat ITI - International Team for Implantology (.pdf, 195 KB)
KULIŠ A., KOPAČ I., (2017): Protetska terapija malokluzije klase III po Angleu: Prikaz slučaja. Quintessenz 13 (5): 565-572
KULIŠ A., KOPAČ I., (2017): Prosthodontic treatment of an Angle III Class
malocclusion: A case report; Quintessence International 2017;48(8):625-31
KULIŠ A, HELLING T, SURINA U (2011): INVISALIGN – nevidljiva ortodontska naprava. Vjesnik dentalne medicine: 2-3: 8-11.
KULIŠ A, MEIHOFER T, SMEEKENS S (2010): Festsitzende Versorgung einer aesthetisch anspruchsvollen teilbezahnten Patientin. Quintessenz 61: 283-92
GUESS P C, KULIŠ A, WITKOWSKI S, WOLKEWITZ M, ZHANG Y, STRUB J R (2008): Shear bond strengths between different zirconia cores and veneering ceramics and their susceptibility to thermocycling. Dent Materials 24:1556-67. (
KULIŠ A, TÜRP J C (2008): Bruxismus - gesichterte und potenzielle Risikofaktoren. Eine systematische Literaturübersicht. Schweiz Monatsschr Zahnmed 118: 2-10
KULIŠ A, TÜRP J C (2007): Welche Faktoren stehen mit sekundärem Bruxismus in Zusammenhang? Eine Literaturübersicht (1985-2006). Dtsch Zahnarztl Z 62: 793-803
Active participation in professional congresses
KULIŠ A. TOMIČ M. KRAH M. STRUB J. R.: Verbundfestigkeiten verschiedener dentaler Zirkoniumdioxid-Gerüstmaterialien und Verblendkeramiken. Kongress ZMK, Berlin 2005.
KULIŠ A. TÜRP J. C.: Diagnostik und Therapie der schmerzhaften Myoarthropathien des Kausystems. Kehl 2005.
KULIŠ A. TÜRP J. C.: Diagnostik und Therapie der schmerzhaften Myoarthropathien des Kausystems. Rastatt 2005.
KULIŠ A. TÜRP J. C.: Diagnostik und Therapie der schmerzhaften Myoarthropathien des Kausystems. Zell 2006.
KULIŠ A.: Vezavna trdnost fasetirnih porcelanov na cirkonijeva ogrodja. Kongres sekcije za stomatološko protetiko, Ljubljana 2007.
KULIŠ A.: Fiksnoprotetični dvig griza. 20. strokovni simpozij Sekcije za stomatološko protetiko, Portorož, 2013
KULIŠ M, KULIŠ A: Hipersalivacija v zvezi s preneseno bolečino. 20. strokovni simpozij Sekcije za stomatološko protetiko, Portorož, 2013
KRAPEŽ J, KULIŠ A.: Terapija z bisfosfonati – problem v stomatološki ordinaciji. 20. strokovni simpozij Sekcije za stomatološko protetiko, Portorož, 2013
KULIŠ A.: Protetična rešitev meziookluzije. 20. strokovni simpozij Sekcije za stomatološko protetiko, Ljubljana, 2015
KULIŠ A.: Doprinos ortodontskega zdravljenja k protetični oskrbi. 23. strokovni simpozij Sekcije za stomatološko protetiko, Ljubljana 2023