Storitve Tezave s celjustnim

Problems with temporo -mandibular joint and bruxism

In our Dental Center Stomatoestetika Kuliš we have a long record of extensive clinical cases in the treatment of defects and problems in the temporomandibular joint.

There are many causes of the problem with the temporomandibular joint (TJM syndrome) such as abnormal bite due to missing teeth (the consequence of unrestored toothless areas), grinding and clenching of teeth (bruxism) and consequently reduced bite height.

Bruxism or gnashing of teeth

If you have facial muscle aches and headaches, chronic joint damage that manifests as a fracture in the joint, decreased jaw mobility and chronic pain, these may be functional consequences of chronic bruxism or gnashing or tooth clenching.

Therefore the consequences of chronic bruxism are not just aesthetic damage to the teeth, such as shortening of the tooth crowns but also reduction of the bite height and consequently the older appearance of the person.

Bruxism or gnashing and clenching is a phenomenon that occurs in most people at different times and with varying strength. It usually happens at night, subconsciously during sleep, but also in the daytime. Usually, we do not even realize that we are clenching our teeth until we are warned about that problem.      

Early signs of bruxism are:

  • tooth wear, which often begins with the disappearance of the tip of the canine and shortening of the incisor length
  • naked and sensitive tooth necks when eating or drinking something sweet or cold (tooth sensitivity
  • tension, numbness and / or sensitivity of the jaw, especially in the morning
  • headaches and / or tension in the neck and shoulders
  • difficulty and / or pain in moving the jaw
  • fracture of a tooth, tooth  root or fillings in teeth.


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