Our specialty is prosthetics. Many years of experience, innovative approach, modern equipment, constant monitoring of trends and ensuring the highest quality, allow us to educate young dentists in the field of prosthetics in our center.
Prosthetic replacements in the mouth make it possible to replace lost dental and periodontal tissues. We distinguish between fixed and removable prosthetic replacements. Fixed prosthetic replacements usually replace the lost teeth, the abutment teeth are the remaining teeth in the mouth or implants and the material of choice is definitely porcelain. Removable prosthetic replacements are used when there are not enough teeth or implants for staticaly well supported fixed construction. They are designed in the manner that a part of the load capacity is also taken over by soft tissues. They can also be used to replace lost bone.
Fixed prosthetics
Due to its longevity (the survival rate of fixed prosthetics is at least 90% in first 10 years), fixed prosthetics has an advantage over removable raplacements. That is why we always choose fixed prosthetics when static position of abutment teeth allows us to do so.
The replacement of lost teeth is performed with the use of crowns and bridges.
Individual crowns
A dental crown replaces the lost tooth substance, function and aesthetics of a natural crown. Dental crowns are custom made to fit precisely on the previously prepared tooth. Your existing weakened tooth is strengthened, protected, restored to the function and natural appearance of the tooth. Dental crowns give a completely natural feel similar to that of a natural tooth.
Individual crown
With dental crowns we can achieve excellent aesthetic results. They are indicated if the tooth is so damaged to such extent that it cannot be restored with a filling or inlay/onlay or veneers.
Dental crowns can be entirely made of ceramics or of porcelain supported by a metal frame.
During phase of making the crown in the lab, the patient gets a temporary crown that protects a broken tooth and prepares the gum for the future contact with the crown and allows patient to function normally.
Before / After Photo Gallery
Take a look at some of our examples of full porcelain and full ceramic crowns.
If one or more teeth are missing, they can be replaced by a bridge anchored on adjacent teeth. Bridges have similarly good survival results compared to implant solutions, except that they require preparation of the supporting teeth.
If you lose a tooth, the bridge not only restores the function and aesthetics, but also prevents the movement and inclination of the remaining teeth adjacent to the area of the lost tooth.
During the time of making the bridge, the patient gets a temporary bridge that allows him to function normally. At the same time, it helps you adapt to your new mouth environment.
The bridges can be full-porcelain or metal-ceramic. They represent long lasting and very aesthetic solutions. With proper hygiene and regular controls, their life span is longer than 10 years.
Interested in more? Get in touch with us.
Removable prosthetics
With removable prosthetics we deal with complete or severe loss of teeth and periodontal tissues. When making a prosthesis, whether it is a partial or complete denture, function, comfort and, of course, the most natural appearance is of great importance in our clinic. We distinguish between partial denture, conus prosthesis / conus bridge, implant supported prosthesis and complete denture.
Partial denture
When more teeth are missing in the dental arch, they can be replaced with a partial denture. The partial denture is anchored on the remaining teeth in the dental arch in different ways: with conus, metal clasps or attachments. For the best survival of dentures on the cones, we prefer this solution in our practice. As specialists in prosthetics, we strive for the appearance of our dentures to be outstanding.
Conus prosthesis / conus bridge
Among all prosthetic solutions, the partial prosthesis on cones shows the best long-term results and provides the easiest hygiene. A conus denture is a partial denture that is anchored on a low number of teeth or implants that are covered with special crowns - cones. Thus, all the metal is hidden under the prosthesis. This kind of denture loads the teeth most ideally and supports the mucous membrane at the same time. The advantage of this solution is that despite the possible loss of any of the remaining teeth, the denture continues to function in the mouth. Another advantage is that it allows teeth to be connected to implants (when there are no teeth in a statically important area, we can add a strategic implant that significantly improves survival of the whole construction). It also allows the subsequent addition of implants. Even if you lose all your teeth the prosthesis is easily converted into a complete denture.
Conus prosthesis / Conus bridge
Denture on the cones.
Learn more about removable prosthetics (dentures) in our Knowledge base.
Complete denture
When all the teeth in the jaw are missing, we make a complete denture. We strive to maximize the function; to keep well and cover all the supporting surfaces of the jaw, minimizing bone resorption and keeping the teeth looking as natural as possible.
When choosing a prosthetic material, we always choose the most optimal solution.
Fixed prosthetics
Fixed prosthetics
Fixed prosthetics
Due to its longevity (the survival rate of fixed prosthetics is at least 90% in first 10 years), fixed prosthetics has an advantage over removable raplacements. That is why we always choose fixed prosthetics when static position of abutment teeth allows us to do so.
The replacement of lost teeth is performed with the use of crowns and bridges.
Individual crowns
A dental crown replaces the lost tooth substance, function and aesthetics of a natural crown. Dental crowns are custom made to fit precisely on the previously prepared tooth. Your existing weakened tooth is strengthened, protected, restored to the function and natural appearance of the tooth. Dental crowns give a completely natural feel similar to that of a natural tooth.
Individual crown
With dental crowns we can achieve excellent aesthetic results. They are indicated if the tooth is so damaged to such extent that it cannot be restored with a filling or inlay/onlay or veneers.
Dental crowns can be entirely made of ceramics or of porcelain supported by a metal frame.
During phase of making the crown in the lab, the patient gets a temporary crown that protects a broken tooth and prepares the gum for the future contact with the crown and allows patient to function normally.
Before / After Photo Gallery
Take a look at some of our examples of full porcelain and full ceramic crowns.
If one or more teeth are missing, they can be replaced by a bridge anchored on adjacent teeth. Bridges have similarly good survival results compared to implant solutions, except that they require preparation of the supporting teeth.
If you lose a tooth, the bridge not only restores the function and aesthetics, but also prevents the movement and inclination of the remaining teeth adjacent to the area of the lost tooth.
During the time of making the bridge, the patient gets a temporary bridge that allows him to function normally. At the same time, it helps you adapt to your new mouth environment.
The bridges can be full-porcelain or metal-ceramic. They represent long lasting and very aesthetic solutions. With proper hygiene and regular controls, their life span is longer than 10 years.
Interested in more? Get in touch with us.
Removable prosthetics
Removable prosthetics
Removable prosthetics
With removable prosthetics we deal with complete or severe loss of teeth and periodontal tissues. When making a prosthesis, whether it is a partial or complete denture, function, comfort and, of course, the most natural appearance is of great importance in our clinic. We distinguish between partial denture, conus prosthesis / conus bridge, implant supported prosthesis and complete denture.
Partial denture
When more teeth are missing in the dental arch, they can be replaced with a partial denture. The partial denture is anchored on the remaining teeth in the dental arch in different ways: with conus, metal clasps or attachments. For the best survival of dentures on the cones, we prefer this solution in our practice. As specialists in prosthetics, we strive for the appearance of our dentures to be outstanding.
Conus prosthesis / conus bridge
Among all prosthetic solutions, the partial prosthesis on cones shows the best long-term results and provides the easiest hygiene. A conus denture is a partial denture that is anchored on a low number of teeth or implants that are covered with special crowns - cones. Thus, all the metal is hidden under the prosthesis. This kind of denture loads the teeth most ideally and supports the mucous membrane at the same time. The advantage of this solution is that despite the possible loss of any of the remaining teeth, the denture continues to function in the mouth. Another advantage is that it allows teeth to be connected to implants (when there are no teeth in a statically important area, we can add a strategic implant that significantly improves survival of the whole construction). It also allows the subsequent addition of implants. Even if you lose all your teeth the prosthesis is easily converted into a complete denture.
Conus prosthesis / Conus bridge
Denture on the cones.
Learn more about removable prosthetics (dentures) in our Knowledge base.
Complete denture
When all the teeth in the jaw are missing, we make a complete denture. We strive to maximize the function; to keep well and cover all the supporting surfaces of the jaw, minimizing bone resorption and keeping the teeth looking as natural as possible.
When choosing a prosthetic material, we always choose the most optimal solution.