Storitve Osnovno zobozdravstvo

Basic Dentistry

Prevention and elimination of causes that can lead to tooth loss are performed within the framework of basic dentistry. Conservative dentistry is also a term for this type of treatment. These include caries removal, sealing and granuloma treatment or endodontic treatment.

Treatment of caries

Treatment of caries

Dental caries or tooth decay is caused by the plaque on the surface of the teeth. These biofilms contain billions of bacteria that break down sugar from food, producing acid that melts enamel.   

Initially, a white spot appears on the tooth surface, which progresses to a brown spot, and then the integrity of the tooth surface is lost and a caivty is formed. The progress of caries can also seriously affect the dental pulp, which is the living core of the tooth that contains nerves and blood vessels. When bacteria infect the pulp, it can die off. In this case, endodontic treatment is required.  

Learn more about the caries treatment process.

  • Treatment of caries
    Treatment of caries

    Treatment of caries

    Dental caries or tooth decay is caused by the plaque on the surface of the teeth. These biofilms contain billions of bacteria that break down sugar from food, producing acid that melts enamel.   

    Initially, a white spot appears on the tooth surface, which progresses to a brown spot, and then the integrity of the tooth surface is lost and a caivty is formed. The progress of caries can also seriously affect the dental pulp, which is the living core of the tooth that contains nerves and blood vessels. When bacteria infect the pulp, it can die off. In this case, endodontic treatment is required.  

    Learn more about the caries treatment process.